Understanding Users Behaviours in User-Centric Immersive Communications

Laura Toni | University College London (UCL), U.K | Friday, June 26, 2020 | 10:00 (CET, 8am UTC)

Abstract: A major challenge for the next decade is to design virtual and augmented reality systems (VR at large) for real-world use cases such as healthcare, entertainment, e-education, and high-risk missions. This requires VR systems to operate at scale, in a personalized manner, remaining bandwidth-tolerant whilst meeting quality and latency criteria. One key challenge to reach this goal is to fully understand and anticipate user behaviours in these mixed reality settings.

This can be accomplished only by a fundamental revolution of the network and VR systems that have to put the interactive user at the heart of the system rather than at the end of the chain. With this goal in mind, in this talk, we describe our current researches on user-centric systems. First, we describe our view-port based streaming strategies for 360-degree video. Then, we present more in details our research on of users‘ behaviour analysis, when users interact with the 360-degree content. Specifically, we describe a set of metrics that allows us to identify key behaviours among users and quantify the level of similarity of these behaviours. Specifically, we present our clique-based clustering methodology, information theory and trajectory base in-depth analysis. Finally, we conclude with an overview of the extension of this work to navigation within volumetric video sequences.

Bio: Laura Toni received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, both in electrical engineering, from the University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy, in 2005 and 2009, respectively. In 2007, she was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), San Diego, CA, USA, and since 2009, she has been a frequent visitor to the UCSD, working on media coding and streaming technologies. Between 2009 and 2011, she was with the Tele-Robotics and Application Department, Italian Institute of Technology, investigating wireless sensor networks for robotics applications. In 2012, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow at UCSD, and between 2013 and 2016, she was a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS4) at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland. Since July 2016, she has been a Lecturer in the Electronic and Electrical Engineering Department, University College London (UCL), U.K. Her research mainly involves interactive multimedia systems, decision-making strategies under uncertainty, large-scale signal processing, and communications. She received the UCL Future Leadership Award in 2016, the ACM Best 10% Paper Award in 2013, and the IEEE/IFIP Best Paper Award in 2012.

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Lam Research AG: Business Systems Analyst (F/M/D)

Date: Apr 19, 2020
Location: Villach, AT, 9500
Apply here…

About Lam….

Together we move the Atoms that move the World:

Imagine working on the front lines of innovation! As one of the semiconductor industry’s leading suppliers of wafer fabrication equipment and services, our technology depends on finding and hiring the best and the brightest employees. We know that our dynamic, global team of exceptional employees is essential to our continued growth.

Lam Research – where successful people want to work:

We are a company comprised of people who work hard, deliver outstanding results and maintain a sense of humor during even the most challenging times. This is truly a rare opportunity. Lam Research is a market leader where our core values are not just words on the back of your badge. Given the criticality of this role to Lam Research’s success, this philosophy starts with you.

Job Responsibilities

  • Has a thorough understanding of the SAP FI/CO functions for which application is used, interfaces with Business and IT cross-functional teams to identify and resolve business systems problems – considering cross-functional impacts – and consults with various users to identify potential improvements.
  • Document functional business requirements, process flow diagrams, and business cases. Perform hands-on solution design, prototyping, proof-of-concepts, process design, and development tasks as required in support of current and new projects (considering cost-effectiveness and creativity).
  • Act as a liaison between the Technical team, Functional team, Business Functions, and vendors as needed.
  • Leverage business knowledge and expertise to drive business process improvements.
  • Accurately translate business requirements into functional specifications to solve business problems.
  • Prioritize business requirements and recommends changes to multiple business processes.
  • Assess the risks of various solutions looking across multiple applications.
  • Clearly articulate the impact of business problems and benefits using business language.
  • Understand industry-specific trends that impact the organization.
  • Use fundamental professional concepts to perform basic/intermediate tasks.
  • Apply company policies and procedures to resolve a variety of issues.
  • Responsible for troubleshooting and production support including training of internal customers where required.

Minimum Qualification

  • Commercial or technical degree (HTL, HAK)

Preferred Qualification

  • 5+ years Business Systems Analysis experience required focus emphasis on FI/CO used in a manufacturing environment.
  • Detail-oriented team player with strong organizational skills, problem-solving, and leadership skills.
  • Self-directed with experience in managing priorities and timelines.
  • Ability to effectively communicate, both verbally and in writing, at all levels including customers, vendors, peers, business stakeholders, and management required.
  • Basic knowledge and understanding of VAT, SAP tax condition records, customer invoices (desirable).
  • Background in accounting and finance (beneficial).
  • Knowledge and experience in project management desired.
  • Computer proficiency, extensive knowledge, and experience with Microsoft Office products.
  • Ability to read and understand/interpret ABAP code.
  • Very good oral and written communication skills in English.
  • Project Management Skills.
  • Basic understanding of subject matter, IT infrastructure and hardware/software lifecycles

The candidate will be hired through a third-party employment agency.


This position is subject to the AUSTRIAN Collective Bargaining Agreement for employees in the Metal Technology Industries in occupation group E. The minimum annual salary for the position (m/f/d) is 37.018,80 EUR gross based on full-time employment. A higher payment is negotiable depending on expertise and skills.

Villach – a great place to live and work

Follow the link www.welcome2villach.at and you will find on the spot the most important information about living, working, and studying in and around Villach/Austria.

More About Us ….

Our work is everywhere you look – even if you can’t actually see it. Lam Research goes deeper than software or chips to the heart of the process that enables chip creation. So if you want to help power the components that empower everything, join us.

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, sex, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, protected veteran status, or on the basis of disability.

Apply here…

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A1 Digital neues Mitglied beim Förderverein Technische Fakultät

A1 Digital ist eine 100%ige Tochter der A1 Telekom Austria Group. Mit innovativen und skalierbaren Cloud-, IoT- und Security Services ist A1 Digital der ideale Partner für digitale Projekte im Mittelstand.  International liegt der Fokus in Europa und umfasst die bestehenden Märkte der Gruppe im CEE Raum sowie neue Märkte in Westeuropa, allen voran Deutschland. Mit langjähriger Erfahrung im IoT-Bereich und den modernsten Rechenzentren in Europa ist A1 Digital für seine Kunden optimal aufgestellt.

Im Cloud Bereich bietet A1 Digital unter dem Namen Exoscale ihre eigene Infrastructure as a Service an. Exoscale ist für Cloud-Projekte mit moderner Container Architektur die ideale Grundlage, aber auch Webserver und vieles mehr. Zu den Unique Selling Points von Exoscale zählen Performance, Preis und eine 100% DSGVO-Compliance, da sämtliche Rechenzentren in Europa liegen und daher unterliegen nicht dem US-Amerikanischen CLOUD Act.

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Obvious and nonobvious tuning knobs in logic programming – The story of incremental grounding

Giovambattista Ianni | University of Calabria, Italy | Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 | 14:00 s.t. | room S.1.42

The availability of advanced features for controlling technical aspects of grounding engines and solver modules for the answer set semantics allows great flexibility and enables the possibility to scale in otherwise out of reach applications. Nonetheless, the presence of nonobvious heuristic tuning „knobs“ deepens and widens the gap between knowledge representation technologies and software developers. In this talk, we present our recent introduction of incremental grounding techniques for answer set solvers in the perspective of videogame development, a challenging applicative domain in which design-time fast prototyping and run-time speed are at the highest priority.

Same as in-stream reasoning, videogames require repeated and fast-paced executions of decision-making tasks. In this context, we illustrate an incremental grounding approach for the answer set semantics. We focus on the possibility of maintaining incrementally larger ground logic programs; so-called „overgrounded programs“ can be generated, updated and reused transparently to the user and in combination with deliberately many different sets of inputs. The update burden of overgrounded programs requires a small effort, thus making the instantiation of logic programs considerably faster when grounding is repeated on a series of inputs similar to each other.

CV: Giovambattista Ianni is a full professor of Computer Science in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Calabria, Italy. Prof. Ianni’s current research interests include knowledge representation, reasoning, and coupling of hybrid systems. He recently focused his research interests on Artificial Intelligence in videogames with particular attention to the issue of complex and time-consuming incremental reasoning in real-time contexts. He has contributed to the DLV system and the DLVHEX system, especially dealing with the issue of dealing with, often non-symbolic, external information to knowledge bases. He has been involved in several national and international research projects and has been acknowledged with research awards such as the ICLP Test-of-time award 2018 and the Artificial Intelligence Journal Prominent Paper Award 2013.

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Roland-Mittermeir-Preis: Ausschreibung 2019

Trophy WinnerAusschreibung 2019


Prämierung der besten Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeiten aller Studien der Technischen Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt

Der Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt schreibt die Prämierung der besten Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeiten aller Studien der Technischen Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt des laufenden Studienjahres aus.

Der Preis besteht aus einer Urkunde und einer Prämie in Höhe von

EUR 1.500,–

Die Jury ist ermächtigt den Preis gegebenenfalls zwischen mehreren Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeiten zu teilen. Antragsberechtigt sind Absolventinnen und Absolventen aller Studienrichtungen der Technischen Fakultät der Universität Klagenfurt, die Mitglied beim Förderverein sind (Beitrittserklärung hier!) und deren Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit mit “Sehr Gut” beurteilt wurde. D.h. AbsolventInnen der folgenden Masterstudien: Informatik, Informationsmanagement, Informationstechnik, Technische Mathematik bzw. Lehramtsstudien mit einem Unterrichtsfach der TEWI zugeordnet (sofern die Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit einem dieser Unterrichtsfächer zuzuordnen ist).

Es werden nur Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeiten bewertet, die im Zeitraum vom 1. Januar 2019 bis zum 31. Dezember 2019 fertiggestellt wurden. Als Fertigstellungstermin gilt der Tag der Ausstellung des Gutachtens/Beurteilung (lt. ZEUS). Die Einreichfrist für die Verleihung des Preises endet am 31. Mai 2020.

Der Antrag ist beim Geschäftsführer des Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt einzureichen und soll folgendes beinhalten:

  • Diplom- bzw. Masterarbeit (in elektronischer Form als PDF-Datei).
  • Gutachten des Betreuers der Masterarbeit.
  • Allfällige Software (oder Verweise auf existierende Software).
  • Eine kurze Zusammenfassung (max. eine Seite), die so geschrieben sein soll, dass sie auch für Nicht-ExpertInnen verständlich ist!

Beurteilungskriterien für die Zuerkennung des Preises sind strikt fachlicher qualitätsbezogener Natur. Sie umfassen die Aspekte:

  • wissenschaftlicher Gehalt,
  • Innovationsgehalt und Umsetzbarkeit,
  • Klarheit der Darstellung und Qualität der Ausführung.

Die Zuerkennung des Preises erfolgt durch eine Jury per Vorstandsbeschluß. Die Jury besteht i.a. aus:

  • dem Obmann des Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt (Vorsitz),
  • Vertretern der TEWI-Institute der Universität Klagenfurt und
  • Vertretern der institutionellen Mitglieder des Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt.

Der Geschäftsführer des Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Universität Klagenfurt kann zu den Sitzungen der Jury als nichtstimmberechtigtes Mitglied beigezogen werden. Die Sitzungen der Jury sind geschlossene Sitzungen und die Entscheidungen der Jury sind endgültig. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.

Die Preisverleihung findet üblicherweise im Rahmen einer TEWI-Veranstaltung statt.

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Frohe Weihnachten und viel Erfolg für 2020


Der Förderverein Technische Fakultät an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt wünscht allen Mitgliedern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Start in ein erfolgreiches Jahr 2020!

Aktuelle Hinweise

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CALL FOR ACTION: Uni.club goes young

Uns ist es ein besonderes Anliegen neue Initiativen und Projekte von jungen Menschen zu fördern und so dem kritischen Nachwuchs eine Plattform für ihre Anliegen und Themen zu bieten. Daher schreiben wir heuer erstmalig einen „Call for Action“ aus.

Gesellschaftsintervention gesucht!

Wir suchen junge Quer-Denker, die sich – möglichst interdisziplinär – mit aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Fragestellungen auseinandersetzen und dabei auch keine Angst vor kritischen Fragestellungen zeigen. Damit sollen individuelle und kollektive Denk- und Lernprozesse ermöglicht werden. Der kritische Nachwuchs konzipiert eine  Intervention oder Veranstaltung, die sich an junge Menschen richtet – nach dem Motto „junge Menschen für junge Menschen“.

Wen sprechen wir an?

Wir richten uns an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen, Forschungsgruppen, interessierte Studierende und Studierenden-Gruppen, die sich gesellschaftskritischen Themen widmen und diese in Form einer Veranstaltung oder Intervention durchführen.

Was schreiben wir aus?

Wir schreiben eine Veranstaltung oder eine Intervention aus, die mindestens einen Abend füllt, aber maximal einen ganzen Tag dauert. Dabei soll es sich um eine offene Publikumsveranstaltung/-intervention handeln, die sich gesellschaftskritischen Themen widmet und einen wissenschaftlichen Anspruch erhebt: Junge Menschen sollen ihr Anliegen in die Welt bringen.

PDF hier bzw. Einreichungen hier.

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Gesten und Mathematik – Kommunikations- und Lernprozesse

Prof. Dr. Alexander Salle (Institut für Mathematik, Universität Osnabrück) | 12.12.2019 | 17:15 Uhr | C.0.16 (Gebäude Sterneckstraße)

Kurzfassung/Abstrakt: »Zum Denken benötigt der Mensch lediglich sein Gehirn« – insbesondere im Hinblick auf das Lernen einer abstrakten Disziplin wie Mathematik ist diese Auffassung weit verbreitet. Viele Forschungsarbeiten der letzten Jahre verdeutlichen jedoch die zentrale Rolle des Körpers in mathematischen Lern- und Kommunikationsprozessen. Im Vortrag werden empirische Ergebnisse vorgestellt, anhand derer die Bedeutung von Gesten für die Analyse von Kommunikations- und Lernprozessen herausgearbeitet sowie Konsequenzen für die Erforschung und Gestaltung mathematischer Lehr-Lern-Arrangements diskutiert werden. Gerahmt werden die Ergebnisse durch theoretische Betrachtungen zu Gesten und Multimodalität.

Lebenslauf: Studium des Gymnasiallehramts (2008) und Diplommathematik (2009), Promotion zum Dr. phil (2014) an der Universität Bielefeld 2014, seit 2015 Juniorprofessur für Didaktik der Mathematik an der Universität Osnabrück, 2018 Habilitationsäquivalenz durch positive Evaluation, Arbeitsgebiete: Analyse mathematischer Lernprozesse aus multimodaler Perspektive; Bedeutung von Gesten, Notizen und Mitschriften für mathematikbezogene Lern- und Kommunikationsprozesse, Grundvorstellungen mathematischer Inhalte (insbes. im Bereich der Trigonometrie), Übergang Schule-Hochschule, Mathematik und digitale Medien.

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Review: Quality of Experience – Measuring Quality from the End-User Perspective [Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquium of Dr. Raimund Schatz from Nov 20, 2019 comprises the slides (below):

Abstract: Over last 15 years, Quality of Experience (QoE) has evolved from a buzzword to a holistic, mature scientific concept that captures the entire experience that a person has with a multimedia communication service (e.g. online video, web browsing, telephony, etc.). This talk provides an introduction to the concept of QoE and its operationalization in subjective experiments. To this end we first review the origins of QoE as well as the most useful definitions and frameworks that map the main QoE constituents and use cases. In the second part we go about operationalizing QoE, with a focus on how to design and conduct subjective QoE experiments that provide valid and reliable results.

CV: Dr. Raimund Schatz is Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience, where he coordinates the Research Field „Experience Measurement“. Furthermore, he is Post-Doctoral researcher at the ATHENA Christian-Doppler Laboratory (ITEC, AAU). Until 2015 he was Key Researcher and Area Manager at the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Department of User-centered Interaction, Services, and Systems Quality. Raimund Schatz holds an Msc. in Telematics (TU-Graz), a PhD in Informatics (TU-Vienna), as well as an MBA and an MSc. from Open University Business School (UK). He is (co-)author of more than 130 publications in the areas of Quality of Experience, Service Quality, HCI and Pervasive Computing. Furthermore, he is or was actively involved in a number of QoE and HCI-related EU projects and networking activities, including SHOTPROS (H2020), Optiband (FP7), CELTIC QuEEN and COST Actions IC1003 Qualinet and IC1304 ACROSS, as well as the organization of various QoE-related conferences and workshops (e.g. QoENAM 2014, QoE-FI 2016, QCMAN 2016, QoE-Management 2017, QoMEX 2018, QoMEX 2019, etc.).

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Quality of Experience – Measuring Quality from the End-User Perspective

Dr. Raimund Schatz | Nov 20, 2019 | 10:00 | Lakeside B12b.1.1

Abstract: Over last 15 years, Quality of Experience (QoE) has evolved from a buzzword to a holistic, mature scientific concept that captures the entire experience that a person has with a multimedia communication service (e.g. online video, web browsing, telephony, etc.). This talk provides an introduction to the concept of QoE and its operationalization in subjective experiments. To this end we first review the origins of QoE as well as the most useful definitions and frameworks that map the main QoE constituents and use cases. In the second part we go about operationalizing QoE, with a focus on how to design and conduct subjective QoE experiments that provide valid and reliable results.

CV: Dr. Raimund Schatz is Senior Scientist at the AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Center for Technology Experience, where he coordinates the Research Field „Experience Measurement“. Furthermore, he is Post-Doctoral researcher at the ATHENA Christian-Doppler Laboratory (ITEC, AAU). Until 2015 he was Key Researcher and Area Manager at the Telecommunications Research Center Vienna, Department of User-centered Interaction, Services, and Systems Quality. Raimund Schatz holds an Msc. in Telematics (TU-Graz), a PhD in Informatics (TU-Vienna), as well as an MBA and an MSc. from Open University Business School (UK). He is (co-)author of more than 130 publications in the areas of Quality of Experience, Service Quality, HCI and Pervasive Computing. Furthermore, he is or was actively involved in a number of QoE and HCI-related EU projects and networking activities, including SHOTPROS (H2020), Optiband (FP7), CELTIC QuEEN and COST Actions IC1003 Qualinet and IC1304 ACROSS, as well as the organization of various QoE-related conferences and workshops (e.g. QoENAM 2014, QoE-FI 2016, QCMAN 2016, QoE-Management 2017, QoMEX 2018, QoMEX 2019, etc.).

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