Review: Teaching and practicing the students‘ knowledge using games [Slides][Video]

The review of the TEWI colloquium of Karel Perutka from June 13, 2018 comprises the slides (below) and video here.


The main idea of this strategy is based on the essential textbook of pedagogy Orbis sensualium pictus which was written according to Komenský’s belief that the school should be a game. It was first published in Nürnberg in 1658. He believed, contrary to the teaching practices at the time, that the pupils should be able to teach learned matter not only to renounce mechanically but to understand what they were learning. He, therefore, provided a textbook with some illustrations so that it would be captivating for the children. It was about biology (living and inanimate nature), theology and man, something that can now be called the foundations of social sciences.

Modern times have brought new opportunities to implement this strategy.

For example, using simple computer games for practicing and verifying the student’s knowledge. During the lecture, several computer games created for this purpose will be presented. Games are primarily designed to teach automation and programming in MATLAB software at university.

They are created in the way that the data about the matter are read from an external file. This file is enough to be edited and used for any subject of the study program. In the lecture, there will also be introduced several electronic aids facilitating the teaching of work with graphics programs and programs in the office at secondary schools in the Czech Republic. All these games and utilities were rated by students using questionnaires after the completion of the courses, and these results will be presented, too.


Karel Perutka received his Ph.D. degree in 2007 at Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Czech Republic, where he is the senior lecturer. Technical Cybernetics was the principal branch of his first research. Karel Perutka was the editor of the book about MATLAB (, the author of one monograph about MATLAB, several book chapters about MATLAB and control theory, and author or co-author of more than 80 papers in the conference proceedings. He is a member of the organizing and reviewing committees of several conferences. He lead more 100 Bachelor and Master Theses.

Karel Perutka is teaching MATLAB programming, electronics, microelectronics, diagnosis of digital systems and modulations and demodulations of signals. He is the most popular teacher of curriculum IT for administrative studiesvoted by students where he teaches the software used in the office.

His main research interests are adaptive control, real-time control, control of multivariable systems, application of MATLAB and new methods of teaching programming and creating didactic aids for secondary schools, programming in C++ and VBA in MS Excel.

He is working on the topic Teaching and practicing the students knowledge using games for last 6 years. He lead the students of Master degree Teachers of Informatics for 6 years, he published 15 papers about this topic, created several teaching games and multimedia tools with the focus in the control theory, the computer graphics, the software in office.

He gave lectures at universities in Europe, mostly in Portugal where he visited ISEP Porto, IST Lisboa, UTAD Vila Real, UA Faro.

He speaks 4 foreign languages. Austria is his favorite country. He goes in Austria also for vacation every year.

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Machine Learning Applications to Internet of Things

Dr. Hari Prabhat Gupta |  June 22, 2018 | 11:00 | Lakeside L4.1.04


Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly in decades, various applications came out from academia and industry. IoT is an amazing future to the Internet, but there remain some challenges to IoT for human have never dealt with so many devices and so much amount of data. Machine Learning (ML) is the technique that allows computers to learn from data without being explicitly programmed. Generally, the aim is to make predictions after learning and the process operates by building a model from the given (training) data and then makes predictions based on that model. Machine learning is closely related to artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and computational statistics and has strong relationship with mathematical optimization. In this talk, we focus on ML applications to IoT. Specially, we focus on the existing ML techniques that are suitable for IoT. We also consider the issues and challenges for solving the IoT problems using ML techniques.


Dr. Hari Prabhat Gupta received the B.E. degree in Computer Engineering from Government Engineering College Ajmer, Ajmer, India, the M.Tech. and Ph.D degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati, India. He worked with Samsung R&D Bangalore, India. He has received a research fellowship from TATA Consultancy Services, India. He is currently working as Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India. His research interests include wireless sensor networks, wireless ad hoc networks, and distributed algorithms. He has published various IEEE and ACM conference papers and Journals in the field of wireless sensor networks.


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Autonomous Flying access Networks

Omid Esrafilian, MSc |  June 25, 2018 | 3 pm | Lakeside B04, B4.1.114


The use of drones, a.k.a. unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as a flying radio access network (RAN) is currently gaining significant attention. It holds promises as a complement to classical fixed infrastructure by allowing ultra flexible deployments, with use cases ranging from disaster recovery scenarios to improving the performance and coverage of the network. Beyond obvious challenges within regulatory, control, navigation, and operational domains, the deployment of autonomous flying-RANs also come with a number of exciting new research problems such as the issue of autonomous real-time placement of the drones in non-trivial propagation scenarios (i.e. scenarios where the optimal placement is not just dictated by a trivial geometry or statistical argument due to shadowing effects, e.g. in cities). We present several different approaches, lying at the cross-roads between machine learning, signal processing, and optimization. Some approaches involve the reconstruction of a city map from sampled radio measurements which can have application beyond the realm of communications.


Omid Esrafilian has started his Ph.D. since 2016 in the Communication System department of EURECOM under the supervision of Professor David Gesbert.

He received both his Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Control-Electrical Engineering from K.N.Toosi University of Technology in 2016 and 2014, respectively. He graduated as first ranked among M.Sc. students of control major in his university. The subject of His Master’s Thesis was „Simultaneous localization and mapping and autonomous flight of a Quad-Rotor robot using a monocular camera“.

From 2012 to 2016, he worked as a research assistant and head of Quad-Rotor robotic team at the Advanced Robotics and Automated Systems lab (ARAS), K.N.Toosi University of Technology in Iran. During this period, he participated in some robotic competitions and won some prizes.

From 2014 to 2015, he was an assistant professor at Instrumentation Laboratory, K.N.Toosi University of Technology in Iran.

His research interest is robotic (UAVs) and communication and since the beginning of his PhD he published some publications on the topic of UAV-aided Radio Access Networks. Moreover, he was involved in the PERFUM’s first demo of the autonomous cellular flying relays.

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Rückblick: Aktivierende Elemente in der Lehrer(innen)bildung [Slides][Video]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Dr. rer. nat. Markus Alexander Helmerich am 24. Mai 2018 beinhaltet die Präsentationsfolien sowie ein Video (Screencast).



Die Leitidee der Siegener Lehrer(innen)bildung ist es, die angehenden Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zu einem reflektierten Handeln in Lehr-Lern-Situationen zu befähigen. Die Umsetzung dieser Leitidee erfordert eine starke Aktivierung der Lehramtsstudierenden in den Lehrveranstaltungen.
In unseren Vorlesungen, Übungen und Seminaren wurden verschiedene aktivierende Elemente und didaktische Prinzipien für eine aktivierende Lehre zur Förderung einer bewussten Haltung eingesetzt.
Beispielhaft für diesen Ansatz wird das Seminar „Schüler handeln, forschen und entdecken“ vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Darin konzipieren Studierende Mathematik-Projekte, die mit Lerngruppen in der Siegener MatheWerkstatt durchgeführt werden, und analysieren anschließend  die Lehr-Lern-Prozesse. In dieser praxisorientierten Auseinandersetzung mit mathematischen Inhalten und der Gestaltung von Lernarrangements lernen die Studierenden, ihr Handeln und ihre Erfahrungen mathematikdidaktisch zu reflektieren.
Präsentiert werden das Siegener Leitbild für die Lehrer(innen)bildung sowie die unterschiedlichen Planungsdimensionen des Seminars anhand von Erlebnissen und Analysen der Studierenden.


HelmerichMarkus Alexander HELMERICH ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Didaktik der Mathematik des Departments für Mathematik an der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Fakultät und im Sommer-semester 2018 Gastprofessor für Didaktik der Mathematik an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Nach dem Abschluss des Diplom-studiums in Mathematik an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt (2002) widmete er sich im Rahmen seiner Dissertation zu „Linien-diagrammen in der Wissenskommunikation“ (2008, ebenfalls TU Darmstadt) der Verbindung von Methoden der formalen Begriffs-analyse, der Semiotik und der Mathematikdidaktik. Von 2005-2009 war er Geschäftsführer des Ernst-Schröder-Zentrums für Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung e.V. in Darmstadt. Der interdisziplinären Verbindung fachwissenschaftlicher, wissenschaftshistorischer und -philosophischer sowie fachdidaktischer Ansätze widmete er sich über seine Dissertation und die Tätigkeit am Ernst-Schröder-Zentrum hinaus als mehrfacher Mitveranstalter der Tagungsreihe zur „Allgemeinen Mathematik“ und als Mitherausgeber der entsprechenden Reihe von Sammelbänden im Springer-Verlag.  Von 2013-2015 war er Sprecher des Arbeitskreises „Mathematik und Bildung“ der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik. Seit 2009 lehrt und forscht Markus Helmerich im Bereich Didaktik der Mathematik an der Universität Siegen. Einen Schwerpunkt seiner aktuellen mathematikdidaktischen Arbeit stellen Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Experimenten, Vorstellungen und Reflexionen für handlungsorientiertes Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht aller Schulstufen und in der Mathematiklehrer(innen)ausbildung dar.

Posted in TEWI-Kolloquium | Kommentare deaktiviert für Rückblick: Aktivierende Elemente in der Lehrer(innen)bildung [Slides][Video]

Solving x’=?

Prof. Konstantin Mischaikow  | 6. Juni 2018 | 16:00 Uhr | Z.1.09


With the advent of every improving information technologies, science and engineering is being being evermore guided by data-driven models and large-scale computations.  In this setting, one often is forced to work with models for which the nonlinearities are not derived from first principles and quantitative values for parameters are not known.

With this in mind, I will describe an alternative approach formulated in the language of combinatorics and algebraic topology that is inherently multiscale, amenable to mathematically rigorous results based on discrete descriptions of dynamics, computable, and capable of recovering robust dynamic structures.

To keep the talk grounded, I will discuss the ideas in the context of modeling of gene regulatory networks.


Konstantin Mischaikow earned his Master and PhD degree at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1983 and 1985, respectively. Currently he is a Distinguished Professor at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA. His main research interests are topological methods for the analysis of dynamical systems, computational topology and mathematical biology.  Professor Mischaikow has supervised 16 PhD theses and has been advisor of 21 postdocs. He has over 110 publications, including four books.

He is a leading expert of Conley theory, as well as of rigorous computer-assisted computations. One of his most celebrated results is the proof of chaos in the Lorenz attractor, which serves as a prominent example of the application of both techniques.  In 2014, in recognition of his contributions to dynamical systems as well as to applied and computational topology, Professor Mischaikow was elected to be a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.


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Teaching and practicing the students‘ knowledge using games

Dr. Karel Perutka | 13. Juni 2018 | 10:00 Uhr | Z.1.09


The main idea of this strategy is based on the essential textbook of pedagogy Orbis sensualium pictus which was written according to Komenský’s belief that the school should be a game. It was first published in Nürnberg in 1658. He believed, contrary to the teaching practices at the time, that the pupils should be able to teach learned matter not only to renounce mechanically but to understand what they were learning. He, therefore, provided a textbook with some illustrations so that it would be captivating for the children. It was about biology (living and inanimate nature), theology and man, something that can now be called the foundations of social sciences.

Modern times have brought new opportunities to implement this strategy.

For example, using simple computer games for practicing and verifying the student’s knowledge. During the lecture, several computer games created for this purpose will be presented. Games are primarily designed to teach automation and programming in MATLAB software at university.

They are created in the way that the data about the matter are read from an external file. This file is enough to be edited and used for any subject of the study program. In the lecture, there will also be introduced several electronic aids facilitating the teaching of work with graphics programs and programs in the office at secondary schools in the Czech Republic. All these games and utilities were rated by students using questionnaires after the completion of the courses, and these results will be presented, too.



Karel Perutka received his Ph.D. degree in 2007 at Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Faculty of Applied Informatics, Czech Republic, where he is the senior lecturer. Technical Cybernetics was the principal branch of his first research. Karel Perutka was the editor of the book about MATLAB (, the author of one monograph about MATLAB, several book chapters about MATLAB and control theory, and author or co-author of more than 80 papers in the conference proceedings. He is a member of the organizing and reviewing committees of several conferences. He lead more 100 Bachelor and Master Theses.

Karel Perutka is teaching MATLAB programming, electronics, microelectronics, diagnosis of digital systems and modulations and demodulations of signals. He is the most popular teacher of curriculum IT for administrative studies voted by students where he teaches the software used in the office.

His main research interests are adaptive control, real-time control, control of multivariable systems, application of MATLAB and new methods of teaching programming and creating didactic aids for secondary schools, programming in C++ and VBA in MS Excel.

He is working on the topic Teaching and practicing the students knowledge using games for last 6 years. He lead the students of Master degree Teachers of Informatics for 6 years, he published 15 papers about this topic, created several teaching games and multimedia tools with the focus in the control theory, the computer graphics, the software in office.

He gave lectures at universities in Europe, mostly in Portugal where he visited ISEP Porto, IST Lisboa, UTAD Vila Real, UA Faro.

He speaks 4 foreign languages. Austria is his favorite country. He goes in Austria also for vacation every year.


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Review: Virtual and Augmented Reality and its Applications [Slides][Video]

The review of the TEWI colloquia of Rositsa Radoeva, PhD from May 22, 2018 comprises the slides (below) and video here.



The talk focuses on virtual and augmented reality technologies and examines various devices and technologies in the field of three-dimensional visualization and different applications of these technologies. The author presents a software for 3D interactive visualization, supporting disassembly and assembly processes of specialized equipment that have been developed by the VR-Team. Also, it will give a look at the development process of the presented software.


Rositsa Radoeva is Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Computer Systems and Technologies of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI) at University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”. She obtained her PhD in Informatics at the Dept. of Computer Systems and Technologies, FMI at University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” in 2016. Since 2013 she is affiliated with the Dept. of Computer systems and technologies, FMI at University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and St. Methodius”. Currently she is involved in research in the field of three-dimensional visualization, virtual and augmented reality. Since 2017, she is a part of the “VR-Team” – a team for the development of virtual and mixed reality software solutions.

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Review: Versatile Video Coding – Video Compression beyond HEVC: Coding Tools for SDR and 360° Video [Slides][Video]

The review of the TEWI colloquia of Dr.-Ing. Mathias Wien, RWTH Aachen University from May 14, 2018 comprises the slides (below) and video here.


Abstract: In October 2017, ISO/IEC JCT1 SC29/WG11 MPEG and ITU-T SG16/Q6 VCEG have jointly published a Call for Proposals on Video Compression with Capability beyond HEVC and its current extensions. It is targeting at a new generation of video compression technology that has substantially higher compression capability than the existing HEVC standard. The responses to the call are evaluated in April 2018, forming the kick-off for a new standardization activity in the Joint Video Experts Team (JVET) of VCEG and MPEG, with a target of finalization by the end of the year 2020. Three categories of video are addressed: Standard dynamic range video (SDR), high dynamic range video (HDR), and 360° video. While SDR and HDR cover variants of conventional video to be displayed e.g. on a suitable TV screen at very high resolution (UHD), the 360° category targets at videos capturing a full-degree surround view of the scene. This enables an immersive video experience with the possibility to look around in the rendered scene, e.g. when viewed using a head-mounted display. This application triggers various technical challenges which need to be addressed in terms of compression, encoding, transport, and rendering. The talk summarizes the current state of the complete standardization project. Focussing on the SDR and 360° video categories, it highlights the development of selected coding tools compared to the state of the art. Representative examples of the new technological challenges as well as corresponding proposed solutions are presented.

Wien_webBio: Mathias Wien received the Diploma and Dr.-Ing. degrees from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 1997 and 2004, respectively. He currently works as a senior research scientist, head of administration, and lecturer, at the Institute of Communication Engineering of RWTH Aachen University, Germany. His research interests include image and video processing, immersive, space-frequency adaptive and scalable video compression, and robust video transmission. With respect to standardization, Mathias has contributed to ITU-T VCEG, ISO/IEC MPEG, as well as their collaborative teams, the Joint Video Experts Team, the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), and the Joint Video Team (JVT), in the standardization work towards the successor of HEVC, HEVC, and AVC, respectively. In standardization, he has co-chaired and coordinated several AdHoc groups as well as tool- and core experiments. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 conference and journal papers in the area of video coding,  as well as 18 granted patents. He has published the Springer textbook “High Efficiency Video Coding: Coding Tools and Specification”, which fully covers Version 1 of HEVC. Mathias is a member of the IEEE Signal Processing Society and the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society.


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Review: The process of new venture creation – towards the booming ICT start-ups [Video][Slides]

The review of the TEWI colloquia of Prof. Tõnis Mets from April 24, 2018 comprises the video and slides (below).



Estonia has enjoyed success stories in ICT implementation in a broad field of public and private sectors for last 15-20 years. The key event for that development was the launching of the Tiger Leap program in Estonian schools, 1996. The program fully equipped schools with computers and Internet access and other ICT services. Computer science classes were provided in 84% of schools in the following eight years. Since 2014 World Economic Forum considered Estonia among innovation-driven knowledge-based societies, and some years later – being hidden entrepreneurship champion in Europe. Besides, Estonia has become one of the developed start-up ecosystems where young ICT companies are booming.

These events mentioned above refer to the successful combination of educational and entrepreneurial ecosystems in Estonia. The presentation aims to disclose the role of ICT start-ups as the engine of the innovation-driven development in a small society. Case studies analyse the entrepreneurial process and journey of ICT start-ups suggesting dynamic stage model approach. This approach discloses complexity of the entrepreneurial journey from opportunity recognition to venture launch. Findings of studies show growing importance of digital technology, ICT start-ups and the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the welfare of Estonian citizens.


MetsTõnis Mets is Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Tartu in Estonia. He was Marie Curie Research Fellow at the Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, Australia 2014-2016. Also, Professor Mets is a founder of five companies, sold three of them. He has worked as a management consultant in his company (ALO OÜ), and as an entrepreneur, engineer, and manager in various high-tech companies in Estonia. Tõnis graduated from the Tallinn University of Technology. He also holds a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences from St Petersburg Agrarian University. Professor Mets is author and co-author of 15 patents, and more than 50 chapters and articles with international publishers. His main research interests are in the fields of (technology) entrepreneurship, intellectual property, and knowledge and innovation management.

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Aktivierende Elemente in der Lehrer(innen)bildung

Dr. rer. nat. Markus Alexander Helmerich | 24. Mai 2018 | 18:15 Uhr | L.1.0.14


Die Leitidee der Siegener Lehrer(innen)bildung ist es, die angehenden Lehrerinnen und Lehrer zu einem reflektierten Handeln in Lehr-Lern-Situationen zu befähigen. Die Umsetzung dieser Leitidee erfordert eine starke Aktivierung der Lehramtsstudierenden in den Lehrveranstaltungen.
In unseren Vorlesungen, Übungen und Seminaren wurden verschiedene aktivierende Elemente und didaktische Prinzipien für eine aktivierende Lehre zur Förderung einer bewussten Haltung eingesetzt.
Beispielhaft für diesen Ansatz wird das Seminar „Schüler handeln, forschen und entdecken“ vorgestellt und diskutiert werden. Darin konzipieren Studierende Mathematik-Projekte, die mit Lerngruppen in der Siegener MatheWerkstatt durchgeführt werden, und analysieren anschließend  die Lehr-Lern-Prozesse. In dieser praxisorientierten Auseinandersetzung mit mathematischen Inhalten und der Gestaltung von Lernarrangements lernen die Studierenden, ihr Handeln und ihre Erfahrungen mathematikdidaktisch zu reflektieren.
Präsentiert werden das Siegener Leitbild für die Lehrer(innen)bildung sowie die unterschiedlichen Planungsdimensionen des Seminars anhand von Erlebnissen und Analysen der Studierenden.


HelmerichMarkus Alexander HELMERICH ist wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Didaktik der Mathematik des Departments für Mathematik an der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Fakultät und im Sommer-semester 2018 Gastprofessor für Didaktik der Mathematik an der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt. Nach dem Abschluss des Diplom-studiums in Mathematik an der Technischen Universität Darmstadt (2002) widmete er sich im Rahmen seiner Dissertation zu „Linien-diagrammen in der Wissenskommunikation“ (2008, ebenfalls TU Darmstadt) der Verbindung von Methoden der formalen Begriffs-analyse, der Semiotik und der Mathematikdidaktik. Von 2005-2009 war er Geschäftsführer des Ernst-Schröder-Zentrums für Begriffliche Wissensverarbeitung e.V. in Darmstadt. Der interdisziplinären Verbindung fachwissenschaftlicher, wissenschaftshistorischer und -philosophischer sowie fachdidaktischer Ansätze widmete er sich über seine Dissertation und die Tätigkeit am Ernst-Schröder-Zentrum hinaus als mehrfacher Mitveranstalter der Tagungsreihe zur „Allgemeinen Mathematik“ und als Mitherausgeber der entsprechenden Reihe von Sammelbänden im Springer-Verlag.  Von 2013-2015 war er Sprecher des Arbeitskreises „Mathematik und Bildung“ der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik. Seit 2009 lehrt und forscht Markus Helmerich im Bereich Didaktik der Mathematik an der Universität Siegen. Einen Schwerpunkt seiner aktuellen mathematikdidaktischen Arbeit stellen Untersuchungen zur Rolle von Experimenten, Vorstellungen und Reflexionen für handlungsorientiertes Lehren und Lernen im Mathematikunterricht aller Schulstufen und in der Mathematiklehrer(innen)ausbildung dar.


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