Rückblick: FASTEST: Test Case Generation from Z Specifications [Video, Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Prof. Maximiliano Cristiá, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) am 30.03.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“https://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_cristia.mp4″]



Fastest is a tool that assist software engineers in generating test cases from Z specifications. It provides tool support for a method of model-based testing know as the Test Template Framework. The tool reads a Z specification written in LaTeX markup and waits for commands from the user. Users can apply testing tactics to partition the input space of Z operations thus creating testing trees. Later they can prune these trees to eliminate unsatisfiable test specifications. In a third step, a satisfiability algorithm can be run to find a test case for each leaf in a testing tree. Finally, it is possible to refine these test cases into programs to test the implementation of the Z specification. In this talk I will show how Fastest works on some toy examples and our current research efforts.


Maximiliano Cristiá is professor of Software Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) and head of the Software Engineering Group at CIFASIS (International Franco-Argentine Center for Information Sciences and Systems). His research interests include formal methods, particularly model-based testing, software architecture and tool development for the Software Engineer.


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A Conceptual-Modeling Approach to Data Extraction

Abstract: For more than a decade we have been studying ways that conceptual modeling can improve our ability to extract semantic data from unstructured and semi-structured information sources such as web pages and historical documents. We start with a data-extraction ontology that comprises a conceptual model together with data frames describing concepts of interest that may be found in an information source. Data-extraction ontologies provide significant advantages over traditional extraction techniques because they give relatively high precision and recall and are robust to changes in the information source structure. However, these benefits come at a price: extraction ontologies require significant expertise to construct, and they apply to a relatively narrow domain of interest. In this lecture I will review our past contributions with a special emphasis on the research techniques we have applied, and I will also describe current areas of research and directions for future experimentation.

CV: Dr. Stephen W. Liddle is academic director of the Kevin and Debra Rollins Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology at Brigham Young University and professor of Information Systems at the Marriott School of Management. Dr. Liddle teaches mobile app development and information systems analysis. Liddle has been a member of BYU’s business school faculty since 1995, after receiving his PhD in Computer Science from BYU. He has been active in the conceptual modeling community for two decades, and currently serves as treasurer of the steering committee for the ER Conference. Liddle’s research interests include conceptual modeling, software engineering environments and tools, data extraction, and e-business. He is particularly interested in mobile application development and applications of conceptual modeling, such as the use of ontologies in data extraction. His work has appeared in journals such as Data and Knowledge Engineering and the Annals of Operations Research, and in respected conferences such as the ER Conference and CIKM, among others. Besides authoring or co-authoring more than 50 refereed academic papers, Liddle is editor of numerous conference and workshop proceedings, and is co-author of the book E-Business: Principles and Strategies for Accountants. Liddle is a member of several advisory boards for tech startups in Utah, and has considerable experience in software development.

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Model-based Systems with Applications in Energy Informatics

Model-based reasoning focuses on formal theories and algorithmic techniques for system-wide diagnosis, planning, and optimization of technical systems.  Distinctive features include the use of compositional models to capture the behavior of components and their interaction, and a generic set of reasoning algorithms.  This talk highlights some of our research in the area of model-based systems, particularly to expand towards on-line estimation and control and hybrids of constraint-based and probabilistic models to capture software behavior and continuous dynamics, and presents some recent applications in the domain of energy informatics and sustainable mobility.

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Self-Organizing Smart Microgrids

Transforming our energy system from hierarchically structured, fossil fuel resources to a distributed, smart sustainable system is one of the great challenges of our time. In this context researchers target their efforts towards modeling of distribution networks, identifying appropriate communication systems, handling configuration complexity, and algorithms for distributed smart micro-grid networks. The first part of the talk depicts how self-organizing configuration and communication mechanisms can contribute to this goal. The second part of the talk gives an introduction to the smart microgid lab, which provides an experimental environment where motivated students can learn and gain practical experience in the domain of smart grids. Finally, I will give an outlook to projects and collaborations in the smart grid area.

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Netzorientiertes Lastmanagement in zukünftigen Smart Grids

Für eine stabile und sichere Stromversorgung müssen sich Einspeisung und Verbrauch im elektrischen Stromnetz, das heute noch über keine nennenswerten Speicherkapazitäten verfügt, stets im Gleichgewicht befinden. Die zunehmende Einspeisung durch regenerative Energiequellen ist aber nur schwer zu prognostizieren und in der Regel nicht planbar. Um den Ausgleich zwischen Verbrauch und fehlender Erzeugung aus Erneuerbaren herzustellen, muss daher vermehrt auf die am Netz vorhandenen konventionellen Kraftwerke zurückgegriffen werden, da nur sie in ihrer Einspeiseleistung beeinflussbar sind und damit netzstabilisierend eingesetzt werden können.

Parallel dazu müssen regionale Energieüberschüsse entgegen der üblichen Flussrichtung vom Erzeuger in Regionen mit einem Defizit an Erneuerbaren gebracht werden. Auf dem Weg dorthin müssen die Netze ausreichend dimensioniert sein. Auch hierbei spielen konventionelle Kraftwerke eine wichtige Rolle, um die Frequenz im Verbundnetz auch bei Versorgung durch dezentrale Energieerzeuger in jeder Sekunde aufrechtzuerhalten. Um dieser wachsenden Unsicherheit im Betrieb elektrischer, regenerativ geprägter Versorgungsnetze zu begegnen, wird versucht, einen Teil der elektrischen Geräte und Anlagen auf Kundenseite zu flexibilisieren und zur Unterstützung bei der Einhaltung des Gleichgewichtes zwischen Verbrauch und Erzeugung zu beeinflussen, um bspw. bevorzugt dann Strom zu konsumieren, wenn z.B. der Wind gerade heftiger weht.

Derartige intelligente Stromnetze, sog. „Smart Grids“, die das Flexibilisierungspotenzial dezentraler Verbraucher und Erzeuger für einen Ausgleich des Versorgungsgleichgewichts nutzen, müssen jedoch die Belastbarkeitsgrenzen der Netzinfrastruktur jederzeit mit berücksichtigen. Mit zunehmender Anzahl steuerbarer Anlagen, die zu diesem Zweck geregelt werden sollen, erhöht sich die Komplexität der zugrunde liegenden und bislang zentral organisierten Koordinationsaufgabe überproportional. Aus diesem Grund verfolgen zukünftige Smart Grid Konzepte dezentrale Lösungsansätze, die das komplexe Ausgleichsproblem in kleinere und damit leichter beherrschbarere Teilprobleme zerlegen. Derartige Ansätze sind maßgeblich informations- und kommunikationstechnisch geprägt. Stromnetz und Anlagen müssen intelligenter werden und sich kontinuierlich über ihre Bedürfnisse abstimmen, um der geänderten Versorgungsaufgabe gerecht zu werden und den Netzausbaubedarf zu verringern.




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Methods and Systems for Enterprise Innovation in the Networked Economy: a Knowledge-centric Approach


ICT infrastructures and enterprise systems are today in a process of deep change, motivated by the transformation that are taking place in two key dimensions. One is the technology dimension, with the advent of Cloud Computing, Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and SaaS (Software as a Service), Internet of Things and Smart Objects, Semantic Web and Linked Data, and finally the advent of Social Media in the enterprise world, just to name a few among the most relevant ones. Another is the socio-economic dimension, where the slowdown of western economies requires a change in the development models and business paradigms; in particular, enterprises are under pressure to achieve, at the same time, more efficiency and continuous innovation. Therefore, enterprise systems need to refocus, progressively shifting from the management of today resources and value production activities to the invention of future opportunities and new forms of value production. This is, in essence, the current scenario that next generation enterprise systems need to cope with. And the challenges require a new approach to the knowledge assets that is often referred to as the ‘oil of the third millennium’. Therefore, enterprise systems need to deeply change, in the way they are conceived and engineered, achieving a tight integration with semantic technologies and social media.


Michele Missikoff, Doctor in Physics (University of Rome „La Sapienza“), worked until 1980 in industrial research labs of two Italian companies, leader in electronic equipment and software development, respectively. Then he started his research carrier, becoming Director of Research in 2001, at the National Research Council, Institute of Analysis of Systems and Informatics, where he coordinated the Database group until 1985, then the Knowledge Engineering group and, in 1999, he founded the LEKS, Lab for Enterprise Knowledge and Systems, that he currently leads as CNR Research Fellow.
He has been the proposer, coordinator and/or active participant in more than 30 national, European and international projects. Has being particular active in various groups, committees, and task forces, promoted by the European Commission, DG Information Society and Media. Currently, he is the coordinator of the FInES (Future Internet Enterprise Systems) Research Roadmap Task Force, launched by the EC FInES Cluster (Unit D4).
He has promoted, organised, and chaired various international conferences and workshops, among which CAiSE, CoopIS, ODBASE, EDBT (co-founder), VLDB (Industrial Co-chair). He has been editor of VLDB Journal, Journal of Applied Intelligence. He has a long teaching experience at University of Roma „La Sapienza“ and LUISS, with courses on Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Information Systems, Knowledge Management. He published more than 150 technical and scientific papers, many on international journals and conference proceedings, with the main focus on application of semantic technologies to e-Business and e-Government. His main research interests are: enterprise ontologies, methods for knowledge representation, ontology engineering, similarity reasoning, business process ontologies, methods and tools for business innovation; and applications in the area of e-tourism, e-government, e-business, and mobile social media.

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Comprehension-Techniken am Beispiel formaler Z-Spezifikationen

Abstract: Zuverlässigkeit und Stabilität spielen in den heutigen, Software-lastigen Systemen eine immer entscheidendere Rolle. Die Verwendung formaler Spezifikationen ist naheliegend, jedoch gilt es dabei auch Hindernisse zu überwinden. Einerseits sind nicht alle an einem Projekt Beteiligten mit der Notation vertraut und andererseits führt die mathematisch dichte Notation zu einer hohen Komplexität, welche große Spezifikationen schwer verständlich und damit auch schwer wartbar macht.

Der Vortrag ist in drei Teile gegliedert und geht dabei auf die oben genannten Hindernisse ein. Im ersten Teil geht es um die Transformation von Spezifikationen in alternative, graphische Darstellungsformen, im zweiten Teil um Techniken die die Komplexität verringern helfen und das Verstehen von Spezifikationen fördern. Der Vortrag schließt mit der Vorstellung von Metriken, welche den Entwicklern helfen die Qualität einer Spezifikation abzuschätzen und helfen der Alterung von Spezifikationen entgegenzuwirken.

Keywords: Formale Spezifikationen, Komplexität, Visualisierung, UML

CV: Andreas Bollin ist Assistenz-Professor am Institut für Informatik- Systeme (Abteilung Software Engineering and Soft Computing) der Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Software Comprehension und Reverse Engineering, Formale Methoden, Multimedia-Systeme und Informatik-Didaktik. Er ist Mitglied der IEEE Computer Society und ein Mitglied von ACM. Sie erreichen ihn unter andi@isys.uni-klu.ac.at.

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Rückblick: Haptic Communications [Video, Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Eckehard Steinbach, TU München am 27.03.2012 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


[iframe height=“350″ src=“https://video.aau.at/video.php?video=ftf_steinbach.mp4″]



True immersion into a distant environment and efficient distributed collaboration require the ability to physically interact with remote objects and to literally get in touch with other people. Touching and manipulating objects remotely becomes possible if we augment traditional audiovisual communications by the haptic modality. Haptic communications is a relatively young field of research that has the potential to substantially improve human–human and human–machine interaction.

In this talk, we address perceptual coding of haptic information and the transmission of haptic data streams over resource-constrained and potentially lossy networks. In this context, we also briefly discuss the need for objective quality metrics for haptic communication. Throughout the talk, we stress the fact that haptic communications is not meant as a replacement of traditional audiovisual communications but rather as an additional dimension for telepresence that will allow us to advance in our quest for truly immersive communication.

Brief Biography:

Eckehard Steinbach (IEEE M’96, SM’08) studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (Germany), the University of Essex (Great Britain), and ESIEE in Paris. From 1994 until 2000 he was a member of the research staff of the Image Communication Group at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Germany), where he received the Engineering Doctorate in 1999. From February 2000 to December 2001 he was a Postdoctoral Fellow with the Information Systems Laboratory of Stanford University. In February 2002 he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of Munich University of Technology (Germany), where he is currently a Full Professor for Media Technology. His current research interests are in the area of audio-visual-haptic information processing and communication as well as networked and interactive multimedia systems.


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Mitarbeiter/in SW-Produktdesign

Unycom GmbH ist ein spezialisierter Anbieter von unternehmensweiten Software-Lösungen in den Bereichen Intellectual Property Management für Unternehmen und Patentanwaltskanzleien. Der Hauptsitz der Unycom GmbH befindet sich mit rund 70 Angestellten in Graz, Österreich. Darüber hinaus haben wir Niederlassungen in München, Deutschland und San Francisco, Kalifornien.

Einige der größten und innovativsten europäischen Konzerne setzen unsere Produkte in mehr als 60 Ländern ein und verwalten damit insgesamt über eine Million Schutzrechte.

Zur Verstärkung unseres erfolgreichen und engagierten Teams suchen wir ab sofort für den Standort Graz eine/n

Mitarbeiter/in SW-Produktdesign [PDF]

Ihr Aufgabengebiet:

Als Mitarbeiter/in im SW-Produktdesign kümmern Sie sich maßgeblich um die Pflege und Weiterentwicklung unserer Softwareprodukte. Dies beinhaltet:

  • das Verständnis für kundenspezifische Anforderungen und die gezielte Erhebung dieser Anforderungen
  • die Erstellung von fachlichen Konzepten (User Stories) für die Umsetzung dieser Anforderungen im Produkt
  • die Ausarbeitung von User Interface- und Interaction-Design-Konzepten sowie die Anfertigung von Prototypen und Scribbles
  • das Übernehmen der Rolle des Feature Owner im Rahmen unseres Scrum- Entwicklungsprozesses

Ihr Profil:

  • eine einschlägige Ausbildung
  • Kreativität und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Eigeninitiative und selbstständiges Arbeiten
  • Kenntnisse im Bereich Informations- und Interaction-Design
  • praktische Erfahrung im Bereich Requirements Engineering und Software Usability von Vorteil
  • ausgeprägte analytische und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten
  • sehr gutes Englisch in Wort und Schrift

Unser Angebot:

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Für diese Position gilt ein kollektivvertragliches Mindestgehalt in der Höhe von € 2.115,00 brutto/Monat. Es besteht die Bereitschaft zur Überzahlung abhängig von Qualifikation und Berufserfahrung.

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Unycom GmbH
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QoE beyond Audio-Visual: Sensory Experience

Abstract: The past decade has witnessed a significant increase in research efforts around Quality of Experience (QoE) which is generally referred to as a human-centric paradigm for Quality of a Service (QoS). As it puts the end user in the center stage, it may have various dimensions and one dimension aims at going beyond audio-visual promising advanced user experience through sensory effects. The motivation behind this work is that the consumption of multimedia content may stimulate also senses other than vision or hearing, e.g., olfaction, mechanoreception, or thermoception that shall lead to an enhanced, unique user experience, in this context referred to as sensory experience. In particular, we developed and standardized – within ISO/MPEG as part of the MPEG-V standard – a representation format for sensory effects that are attached to traditional multimedia resources such as audio, video, and image contents. Sensory effects (e.g., wind, lighting, explosion, heat, cold, scent) are rendered on special devices (e.g., fans, ambient lights, motion chair, air condition) in synchronization with the traditional multimedia resources with the intention to increase the users’ Quality of Experience (QoE). In particular, this talk provides a comprehensive introduction into the concept of sensory experience, its assessment in terms of the QoE, and related standardization and implementation efforts. Finally, we will highlight open issues and research challenges including future work.

Keywords: Quality of Experience, Sensory Experience, Subjective Quality Assessment, MPEG-V

CV: Christian Timmerer received his M.Sc. (Dipl.-Ing.) in January 2003 and his Ph.D. (Dr.techn.) in June 2006 (for research on the adaptation of scalable multimedia content in streaming and constraint environments) both from the Klagenfurt University. He joined the Klagenfurt University in 1999 and is currently a Assistant Professor (Ass.-Prof.) at the Department of Information Technology (ITEC) – Multimedia Communication Group. His research interests are transport of modern/rich media, multimedia adaptation, and QoS/QoE; he has published more than 60 papers (incl. book chapters and tutorials) in these areas. He was the general chair of WIAMIS2008, ISMW2009, EUMOB2009, AVSTP2P2010, and WoMAN2011. He organized a Special Session on Modern Media Transport at MMSys2011. Additionally, he is an editorial board member of the Encyclopedia of Multimedia, ACM/Springer International Journal on Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP), and associate editor for IEEE Computer Science Computing Now, a new online front end to all IEEE CS magazine which transitions the printed media to virtual adopting and applying Web 2.0 principles in practice. He is the inaugurating chair of the IEEE CS Special Technical Community on Social Networking (STCSN). Finally, he as an area editor for the Elsevier journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication and a key member of the Interest Group (IG) on Image and Video Coding as well as Quality of Experience of the IEEE Multimedia Communication Technical Committee. Dr. Timmerer has been actively participating in several EC-funded projects, notably the FP6-IST-DANAE (2004-2006), FP6-IST-ENTHRONE (2006-2008), FP7-ICT-P2P-Next (2008-2012), FP7-ICT-ALICANTE (2010-2013), COST-IC1003-Qualinet (2010-2014), and FP7-ICT-SocialSensor (2011-2014) projects. Finally, he participated in the work of ISO/MPEG for several years, notably as the head of the Austrian delegation, coordinator of several core experiments, co-chair of several ad-hoc groups, and as an editor for several standards for which he has been awarded with the ISO/IEC certificate of appreciation. Publications and MPEG contributions can be found under https://research.timmerer.com.

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