Exoscale – Safe & Performant European Cloud Infrastructure as a Service.

Radovan Drsata, Head of Center of Expertise, A1 Digital / Exoscale

31.01.2020 | 10:00 | S. 2.37

Also Europe is dominated by US cloud providers. Nonetheless, several purely European providers thrive in this market as well, Exoscale one of them. This presentation will discuss the technical and other prerequisites necessary to make an European Cloud successful. A short live demo will be included as well. The ensuing discussion will give a room for further questions regarding the infrastructure, connectivity, certifications etc. The participants will receive as a bonus a voucher to test Exoscale.

After the presentation, there is the opportunity to join discussions about cooperation options between A1 Digital / Exoscale and Universität Klagenfurt.


Link to the presentation: https://handbooks.exo.io/exoscale.ppsx


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Review: 3. Klagenfurter Winter Game Jam

The 3rd Klagenfurt Winter Game Jam took place Dec 20-22, 2019 and attracted more than 90 registrations. The event started with talks about the founding of an indie studio – Healing Bullet Games – from students of our master program on Game Studies and Engineering, and about game streaming from Marie Solle. More than 60 jammers then worked on games with the topic Unconventional Travel for the whole weekend, and 16 games where presented on Sunday. All the games of the jam can be found on https://itch.io/jam/3rd-winterjam/entries.

Thanks a lot to all the sponsors who made this possible: Anexia, Bitmovin, Förderverein Technische Fakultät, Imendo, Dynatrace, Alturos Destinations, Sensolligent, and Technische Fakultät der Universität Klagenfurt. Photos and videos are available here.

For the Game Jam organization team,

Mathias Lux

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OpenTechTable #20: Winter Edition

When: Nov 13, 2019; 19:00 | Where: Anexia (Feldkirchner Str. 140, 9020 Klagenfurt)

We are happy to invite everyone to the 20th edition of the OpenTechTable on November 13th. Our host this time will be Anexia (Feldkirchner Str. 140, 9020 Klagenfurt).

Our speakers this time will be:

  • Umberto D’Ovidio – Sharing frontend and backend code with NX
  • Peter Pfaffeneder – Introduction to Arduino Hardware Hacking

As always, we are looking forward to meeting all of you and would like to thank Anexia for hosting the event in their Klagenfurt Office.

If you have an interesting presentation and want to speak at the OTT please reach out to us – we are always looking for future speakers!

Link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/OpenTechTable/events/266013075/

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Review: Hüttenjam 2019

The Hüttenjam 2019 is over and it has been a hugely successful event. 26 participants jammed for two days and two nights in four chalets at Marktlalm, on Turracher Höhe. Six games have been developed matching the topic “Can’t see the wood for the trees”. Games ranged from multiplayer hide and seek, to simulations, platformers, stealth, and puzzle games. All games can be found on Itch.io. Besides working on the games we could socialize and network with joint breakfast and lunches and trips to the Nockiflitzer and Panoramaalm. For the motivated participants, there were running sessions in the morning and a hike to Rinsennock.

General feedback by the participants indicated that people wanted to have a second edition next year. Responses on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram indicated that many more people are interested beyond the ones already attending. For Twitter top tweets had more than 70 likes, with the initial Facebook video we reached more than 700 people within a month, with the latest video we reached more than 70 people in a day.

Thanks a lot to all the sponsors who made this possible: Bitmovin, Förderverein Technische Fakultät, and Technische Fakultät der Universität Klagenfurt. Photos and videos are available here.

For the Hüttenjam organization team,

Mathias Lux

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Fraunhofer Austria gründet Innovationszentrum „KI4LIFE“ in Klagenfurt

2.10.2019 | 10:00 Uhr | Universität Klagenfurt | Oman-Saal

Digitalisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz stellen alle – vor allem kleine und mittlere – Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Als gemeinsame Initiative wesentlicher Akteure und unter Leitung von Fraunhofer Austria wird das neue Innovationszentrum „KI4LIFE“ gegründet, um dazu konkrete Antworten entwickeln zu können. Neben Wien, Graz und Wattens wird Klagenfurt somit zum vierten Standort von Fraunhofer Austria (www.fraunhofer.at).

Ziele und Aufgaben des neuen Innovationszentrums werden im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz vorgestellt [PDF]:

2.10.2019,10:00 in der Universität Klagenfurt, Oman-Saal

in Anwesenheit von

  • Dieter W. Fellner und Wilfried Sihn, Geschäftsführer der Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
  • Peter Kaiser, Landeshauptmann
  • Maria-Luise Mathiaschitz, Bürgermeisterin der Stadt Klagenfurt
  • Sabine Herlitschka, Vorstandsvorsitzende Infineon Technologies Austria AG
  • Jürgen Mandl, Präsident der Wirtschaftskammer Kärnten
  • Mariana Kühnel, stv. Generalsekretärin der Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKÖ)
  • Timo Springer, Präsident der IV Kärnten
  • Oliver Vitouch, Rektor der Universität Klagenfurt

sowie Vertretern weiterer beteiligter Unternehmen.

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter: presse@fraunhofer.at

Rückfragen und Kontakt:
Dr. Elisabeth Guggenberger
Fraunhofer Austria Research GmbH
Theresianumgasse 27 | 1040 Wien
Tel: +43 676 888 61 617

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16. Österreichischer IT-Sicherheitstag

16. Oktober 2019 | Messe Klagenfurt


  • Risikowahrnehmung und menschliche (Ir)Rationalität
  • Smartcards im Multi-Geräte und Multi-Usecase-Umfeld
  • Online-Handel: Typische Risiken und ihre Verteilung
  • Networks are dangerous and funny too 😉

Vier exemplarische Vortragstitel aus dem diesjährigen Programm des IT-Sicherheitstages.

Die Schwerpunkte der Tagung werden in den Sessions

  • Motivation & Organisatorisches
  • Technik
  • Rechtliche Aspekte
  • Hacking


Das vollständige Programm des 16. Österreichischen IT-Sicherheitstages finden Sie hier: https://www.syssec.at/sitag2019prog

Wir würden uns über Ihre Anmeldung freuen!

Die Teilnahmegebühr für diese Veranstaltung beträgt € 99,00, für Frühbucher bis zum 09.10.2019 € 79,00.

Dr. Peter Schartner

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5G SUMMIT Carinthia

Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2019 | 10:00 bis ca. 14:00 Uhr | Lakeside Science & Technology Park | Klagenfurt am Wörthersee | Kärnten | Lakeside Spitz | Raum Leibniz



10:00 – 10:30 Uhr: Registrierung & Morning Coffee

10:30 – 13:30 Uhr:

  • Begrüßung
  • Keynote „Big Data und 5G”, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Böhm | TU Graz – Institute for Interactive Systems and Data Science
  • Keynote „5G – Chancen für Österreichs Wirtschaft”, Marcus Grausam | CEO A1 Österreich
  • Präsentation des 5G Playground Carinthia mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion
  • Vorstellung der ersten 5G Use Cases
    • Virtual Realities“ | Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt
    • Smart City“ | Fachhochschule Kärnten
    • Robotics“ | Joanneum Research – Institut für Robotics
    • Communication in Swarms“ | Lakeside Labs

ca. 13:30 Uhr: Ausklang & Networking

Der Besuch des 5G SUMMIT CARINTHIA ist bei Anmeldung unter 5gplayground.at kostenlos. Wir ersuchen um Ihre verbindliche Anmeldung bis spätestens 30. September 2019.

Ein Projekt der BABEG Kärntner Betriebsansiedlungs- & Beteiligungs GmbH im Auftrag des Landes Kärnten und des Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie.

Mit dem 5G Playground Carinthia entsteht ein Testlabor für die Erprobung von diversen Anwendungen, Produkten, Prozessen sowie Applikationen. Der 5G Playground Carinthia ist österreichweit die erste Serviceeinrichtung für die Erforschung und Weiterentwicklung von 5G-spezifischen Anwendungen, Services und Geschäftsmodellen. Unsere Webpräsenz ist derzeit in Ausarbeitung, in wenigen Wochen finden Sie hier alle Details und Informationen über den 5G Playground Carinthia und die Technologie 5G im Allgemeinen.

Der 5G Playground Carinthia bietet allen Forschungs-, Innovations- und Bildungseinrichtungen, sowie KMUs und Start Ups die einzigartige Möglichkeit ihre Produkte und Anwendungen mit dieser neuen Technologie zu testen und im Echtbetrieb zu erproben.

Schwerpunktthemen sind aktuell virtuelle Realitäten, Schwarmintelligenz im Drohneneinsatz, Smart City Anwendungen und drahtlose Industrierobotik. Für alle weiteren Themen ist am 5G Playground Carinthia noch jede Menge Platz zum Ausprobieren und Experimentieren. Werden Sie Teil dieser einzigartigen Forschungs- und Entwicklungscommunity. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfrage.

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OpenTechTable #19: Pull Request Reviews and Tensorflow Chatbots

When: Sep 19, 2019; 18:00 | Where: Bitmovin (Schleppe-Platz 7, 9020 Klagenfurt)

We are happy to invite everyone to the 19th edition of the OpenTechTable on September 19th. Our host this time will be Bitmovin (Schleppe-Platz 7, 9020 Klagenfurt).

We will be having two interesting presentations again:

  • Michaela Greiler, will presenting her talk called „Oh no! I’m the slowest code reviewer on the team„.
  • Bruno Hautzenberger, will talk about „Building a Tensorflow trained Chatbot in 10 minutes

We are looking forward to meeting all of you and would like to thank Bitmovin for hosting the event in their Klagenfurt Office.

Link: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/OpenTechTable/events/264716132/

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Seminar on Cybersecurity and Control

12. September 2019 / 1 pm – 6 pm / z.1.09 / AAU

JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS and the Department of Applied Informatics invite you to a series of four expert talks about security in the robotics domain, with a special focus on control aspects, vulnerability and security by design for future robots.

Speakers, Talks & Abstracts:

Nacim Ramdani (Université d’Orléans): Control Perspectives of Cyber Attacks

Abstract: Autonomous robots and most today’s critical infrastructures are cyber-physical systems (CPS) that operate in highly networked environments as they need to communicate remotely with control and management systems. This feature makes them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. For instance, a scenario of importance is posed by a malicious adversary that can arbitrarily corrupt the measurements of a subset of (remote) sensors in the CPS. Because sensor measurements data are used to generate control commands, corrupted measurements data will lead to corrupted commands, thus critically affecting the behaviour of the CPS. 

From a control theory perspective, one needs to develop algorithms and architectures for the detection of cyber-attacks on either sensors or actuators, and the mitigation of their impact on the resilience and the overall performance of the CPS. State-of-the-art methods often consider active attack detection, control algorithms that work directly with encrypted sensor data, or secure state estimation methods that show resilience when sensors are under cyber-attacks.

In this talk, first, I will briefly review recent literature on cyber-security from the perspective of control theory. Then, I will describe our approach to secure state estimation, a secure interval state estimator for linear continuous-time systems with discrete-time measurements subject to both bounded-error noise and cyber-attacks. The interval state estimator is modelled as an impulsive system, where impulsive corrections are made periodically using measurement. The approach includes a new selection strategy that can endow the state estimation with resiliency to attacks, when assuming that only a subset of the whole set of sensors can be attacked although this subset is unknown a priori. The approach will be illustrated in simulation with robot navigation under cyber-attack.

Bernhard Dieber (JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS): LiveDemo: Hacking the safety systems of a mobile robot

Abstract: Robots have integrated safety systems that are used to prevent incidents like collisions with bystanding humans. For mobile robots, this is mostly done with laser sensors. Since those systems are crucial components of a robot, they are engineered at a very high safety integrity level and use specialized, ultra-reliable, certified hardware components. Despite that, we have found a way to remotely disable the safety subsystem of a mobile robot thus turning it into a harmful device. In this live demonstration, we will show this hack and go into detail on the underlying vulnerabilities. We show supporting material and go into some details on current state and issues of robot cybersecurity.

Michael Hofbaur (JOANNEUM RESEARCH ROBOTICS): Active Diagnosis of Cyber Attacks using Physical System’s Redundancy

Abstract: Control systems define the physical interactions of robots or mechatronic systems in general. In that sense, they operate on the boundary between the physical and the cyber-physical world. Cyberattacks on a robot’s controller can thus cause physical danger to humans, systems and infrastructure. Security measures typically build upon advanced schemes for the underlying software components of robots or its underlying mechatronic devices. The talk, however, will explore schemes where the physical properties of a robot are deliberatively utilized to identify harmful cyber-attacks and thus draft possible corridors for novel cybersecurity measures for robot systems at the system’s level.

Stefan Rass (Technische Wissenschaften, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt): Incentive-Based Robot Security – Game Theory for Safe and Secure Collaboration

Abstract: Developing robots in a team is a complex joint venture of achieving not only functional correctness, but also safety and security at the same time. While many mechanisms from system security (like cryptographic and others) are known and available, implementing these in a correct and effective way needs (i) a decent understanding of how the mechanism works, and (ii) considerable awareness that the mechanism is also needed. Time pressure and the complexity of the system’s function itself may be inhibitors that can cause security to receive secondary priority. When it comes to humans collaborating with robots or at least working in their proximity without protection, safety and security become primary concerns. This talk motivates an approach to system security that stems from game theory, and strives for incentives for people to care for security throughout the entire life cycle of a robotics system. The mere fact that a person can be harmed by a not-well-programmed robot may be insufficient, and better incentives are needed for security to become an effective part of future robotics. System security has lots of protections to offer, and game theory is anticipated as an aid for putting them to work. The talk will give an introduction to the ideas and possibilities that game theory has to offer to this end.

We are looking forward to welcome you at our event. Drinks and food will be provided!


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OpenTechTable #18 TensorFlow and Vault (Encryption as a Service)

After a longer break, we are happy to invite everyone to the 18th edition of the OpenTechTable on July 11th. Our host this time will be Dynatrace Austria (Lakeside B08a, 1st floor).

We will be having two interesting presentations again:

Bruno Hautzenberger, will be talking about TensorFlow and provide some samples to get you started with Machine Learning.

Daniel Hölbling-Inzko will introduce you to Vault and how it can help you secure your applications while avoiding the common pitfalls of application security.

We are looking forward to meeting all of you and would like to thank Dynatrace Austria for hosting the event in their Klagenfurt lab.

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