3D Video: From Stereo to Multi-View

karstenmueller3D related media technologies have recently developed from pure research-oriented work towards applications and products. 3D content is now being produced on a wider scale and first 3D applications have been standardized, such as multi-view video coding for 3D Blu Ray disks. This development was only possible due to joined international research and development work on all stages of the 3D media chain from data capturing via transmission and coding to multi-view displays with different application areas for digital cinema, home entertainment and mobile services.

This talk starts with an overview on first generation 3D in the form of stereo video based systems, which are currently being commercialized. Here, stereo formats and associated coding are introduced. However, the available systems mostly require stereo glasses. Here, recent developments in display technology led to glasses-free multi-view displays. For such displays, the current stereo solutions need to be extended. Therefore, current activities in 3D video are introduced. These second generation solutions will develop a generic 3D video format with color and supplementary geometry data, e.g. depth maps, and associated coding and rendering technology for any multi-view display, independent of the number of views. As such technology is also developed in international consortia, the most prominent, like the 3D@HOME consortium, the EU 3D, Immersive, Interactive Media Cluster and the 3D video activities in ISO-MPEG are introduced.

Das Ultimative Klimmzugprogramm

p://iphome.hhi.de/mueller/“>Karsten Müller received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degree from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany, in 1997 and 2006 respectively. In 1993 he spent one year studying Electronics and Communication Engineering at Napier University of Edinburgh/Scotland, including a half-year working period at Integrated Communication Systems Inc. in Westwick near Cambridge/England. In this working period he developed software for voice mail systems and statistical analysis of caller data.

In 1996 he joined the Heinrich-Hertz-Institute (HHI) Berlin, Image Processing Department, were he is a project coordinator for European projects in the field of 3D media technology. He also co-chairs the European 3D Media Cluster, which serves as a contact gateway for information exchange between the associated European projects and international 3D media activities.

His research interests include motion and disparity estimation, 3D media representation and coding, 3D graphics-based scene reconstruction with multi-texture surfaces, and 3D metadata and content description.

He has been actively involved in MPEG activities, standardizing the multi-view description for MPEG-7, the view-dependent multi-texturing methods for the 3D scene representation in MPEG4-AFX and contributing to the multi-view video coding process in MPEG4-MVC and 3D Video.

In recent projects he was involved in research and development of traffic surveillance systems and visualization of multiple-view video, 3D scene reconstruction, object segmentation, tracking and 3D reconstruction, 3D scene and object representation and interactive user navigation in 3D environments. Currently, he is a Project Manager for European projects in the field of 3D video technology and multimedia content description.

He is senior member of the IEEE.

Das Ultimative Klimmzugprogramm
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