ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2010

On Friday, April 9th, I will be traveling to one of the biggest ACM conferences, the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) (, which will take place from April 10th to April 15th in the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. With over 2.000 attendees, ACM CHI is the premier international conference for the field of human-computer interaction.

In the course of my Master’s thesis which I completed under the supervision of Prof. Laszlo Böszörmenyi and Dr. Mathias Lux at the Institute of Information Technology, Dr. Mathias Lux, Dr. Oge Marques (from Florida Atlantic University, USA), and me published the paper “A Classification Scheme for User Intentions in Image Search” in the Work-in-Progress section. Based on an already existing taxonomy for text-based web search, we developed a novel classification scheme for user intentions during the search process in digital image retrieval and conducted studies and experiments with it. The classification scheme itself and further findings are presented in the paper. Please find the Abstract here:

Searching for images on the web is still an open problem. While multiple approaches have been presented, there has been surprisingly little work on the actual goals and intentions of users. In this poster we present our classification scheme for user goals in image search and describe our ongoing work focusing on identification and classification of user intentions during image search tasks.

All accepted Work-in-Progress papers are presented from Monday, April 12th, through Thursday, April 15th, in poster sessions. There I will have time to explain our research, talk with researchers from all over the planet, and get feedback, new ideas and insights for our work.

I look forward to reporting about my impressions, the feedback concerning our research, and other interesting ideas from a definitely amazing week in Atlanta at ACM CHI.

See you in Atlanta!


Christoph Kofler

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