Rich Media Adaptation: Approaches and Challenges


Adaptation of multimedia content is a topic that has been addressed from many points of view, namely from an elementary media perspective. Rich Media content is a particular type of multimedia content, i.e., a collection of elementary media, but with a strong emphasis on compositing aspects and on dynamic and interactive behaviors. Adaptation of Rich Media content is hence quite a different problem from elementary media adaptation. This problem has been tackled in the past, but global, accepted approaches have not yet been widely adopted. This talk will first survey the state-of-the-art approaches in Rich Media adaptation, including the scalable approach developed in our lab. The talk will also present the research challenges remaining ahead.

Cyril Concolato is Associate Professor in the Multimedia Group at Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, where he received his master and doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2000 and 2007, respectively. His interests lie in multimedia scene descriptions and in interactive multimedia applications. He is the author or co-author of 8 journal papers and 29 conference papers. He is an active participant to the standardization bodies of MPEG and W3C. Finally, he is one of the project leaders of the Open Source project GPAC.

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