PostDoc Position Cambridge

Research Associate

Faculty of Computer Science & Technology

Vacancy Reference No: NR08559  Salary: £27,428-£35,788

Limit of tenure applies*

The Computer Laboratory is looking for a Research Associate to work on research project „UBHAVE: ubiquitous and social computing for positive behaviour change“, funded by EPSRC. This multi-disciplinary project aims at developing mobile phone sensing and social network technologies to devise efficient and effective social psychology behaviour interventions. The Cambridge Computer Laboratory leads the technical effort of the project and will be deeply involved in devising and testing the technology as well as in the analysis of the data collected through trials.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in Computer Science with a strong background in mobile systems, mobile development and/or sensing. Some analytical skills for data analysis will be also appreciated.

Further details may be obtained from Dr Cecilia Mascolo, Email:

Application Procedure

Applications should include a CV, a brief statement of the particular contribution you would make to the project, contact details for two referees and a completed form CHRIS6:

Completed applications should be sent by post to: Personnel-Admin, University of Cambridge, Computer Laboratory, William Gates Building, 15 JJ Thomson Avenue, Cambridge CB3 0FD, UK, or by email to

* Limit of tenure: Up to 36 months

Closing date: 23 August 2011.

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