Analysis of Wireless Networks with General Node Distribution

Lakeside Labs / TEWI Colloquium:

Prof. Dr. Martin Haenggi: „Analysis of Wireless Networks with General Node Distribution“

The analysis of large wireless systems relies on a spatial model
for the node distribution. Such spatial modeling has been largely
restricted to the Poisson point process (PPP), since its
attractive analytical properties permit the derivation of
closed-form expressions for the interference distribution, outage
probabilities, and the spatial throughput. The Poisson model,
however, is only accurate if all nodes form a PPP and ALOHA is
used as the MAC protocol. Hence, in many cases, the locations of
the transmitters are better modeled by clustered or hard-core
models. After reviewing the most important results for the
Poisson case, we discuss novel analytical techniques that permit
extensions to general stationary point processes.



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