Fastest: test case generation from Z specifications


Fastest is a tool that assist software engineers in generating test cases from Z specifications. It provides tool support for a method of model-based testing know as the Test Template Framework. The tool reads a Z specification written in LaTeX markup and waits for commands from the user. Users can apply testing tactics to partition the input space of Z operations thus creating testing trees. Later they can prune these trees to eliminate unsatisfiable test specifications. In a third step, a satisfiability algorithm can be run to find a test case for each leaf in a testing tree. Finally, it is possible to refine these test cases into programs to test the implementation of the Z specification. In this talk I will show how Fastest works on some toy examples and our current research efforts.



Maximiliano Cristiá is professor of Software Engineering at Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) and head of the Software Engineering Group at CIFASIS (International Franco-Argentine Center for Information Sciences and Systems). His research interests include formal methods, particularly model-based testing, software architecture and tool development for the Software Engineer.


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