Interaction in “off-screen space”: design possibilities and challenges

Abstract: Many workspaces extend beyond the user’s available viewport, particularly on mobile devices with small screens. Scrolling, panning and zooming are commonly used interaction techniques to manipulate the content of the viewport, but hardware innovations are enabling new forms of interaction. In particular, range sensors and similar technology have recently been added to devices to support interaction in the surrounding “off-screen” space. This talk will sketch possible applications and usage scenarios for off-screen interaction, discuss the human factors involved when interaction is moved into off-screen space, and present the design possibilities and challenges currently investigated by the Interactive Systems research group.

Zur Person: Dr. David Ahlström is a Computer Scientist with interests in developing interactive techniques and interfaces. His current research is focused on modeling and empirically measuring human performance with interactive systems with the aim to understand human factors in computer use. Ahlström received his M.Sc. degree in Computer and Systems Sciences from Stockholm University, Sweden, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Klagenfurt University. After that he received an eighteen-months Erwin-Schrödinger-scholarship from The Austrian Science Fund and joined the Computer Science and Software Engineering department at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand. Since 2010 he is back in Klagenfurt and works as an assistant professor in the Interactive Systems Group at the Department of Informatics Systems.


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