Rückblick: Innovating Enterprise Innovation [Video][Slides]

Der Rückblick zum TEWI-Kolloquium von Michele Missikoff am 15.05.2014 beinhaltet die Videoaufzeichnung sowie die Folien:


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Innovation is one of the key enablers for European enterprises to compete in global markets. The term ‘innovation’ is constantly used in speeches of managers, politicians, public administrators. However, in the large majority of cases, the term is used as a generic ‚place holder‘, a sort of container whose actual content is left to the intuition. For this reason it is important to deeply elaborate, specifically on the notion of Enterprise Innovation, to better understand the essence and meaning of innovation.

Innovation stems from a virtuous mix of intuition, creativity, and a solid background knowledge. Each innovation endeavour has its own characteristics, largely different from previous experiences. It falls in the category of ‘wicked problems’, i.e., problems difficult to solve because of incomplete, fuzzy, changing requirements. Nevertheless, there are recurring patterns and it is possible to conceive systematic methods, and supporting information systems, to promote and manage innovation avoiding the risk to close it in a ‘cage’, risking depressing the fundamental creativity and fantasy. This talk will present an innovative framework for enterprise innovation that includes a methodology and an innovation management platform which is based on an generic behavioural pattern (i.e., independent of the industrial sector), a strong knowledge orientation, and an innovation monitoring system funded on a number of Key Performance Indicators, to constantly keep the progress of the innovation project under control.

Short CV:

Michele Missikoff – Founder and Scientific Advisor of the Laboratory of Enterprise and Knowledge Systems, and past Director of Research, at IASI (Institute for Systems Analysis and Informatics) of the CNR, Italian National Research Council; past director of the Center for Enterprise Knowledge at Free University of International Studies of Rome (UNINT) where he teaches Enterprise Information Systems. He is currently the Scientific Coordinator of the European Project BIVEE. Recently, he coordinated the European Task Force for the FInES (Future Internet Enterprise Systems) Research Roadmap 2025, in the DG INFSO of the European Commission. He managed and participated in more than 20 European and national projects. He has a long-time research experience in databases, knowledge representation, and semantic technologies. He served in resp. chaired Program Committees of primary international conferences such as CoopIS, VLDB, CAiSE, and EDBT and in the editorial boards of international journals,. He is co-founder and past president of the international EDBT Foundation. He authored more than 150 scientific papers.


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