Video analysis and recognition for Medical and Healthcare application

JennySummary :

Since recent decade, the development of high quality acquisition devices for medical applications yielded migration of traditional video analysis techniques into medical domain. One of the fondamental probelms in Video analysis is motion estimation. Amongst the approaches which have been developped for this purpose, the robust motion estimators are of special interest. Initiated in the works by Black and Anondan, they are now more and more penetrating in the medical imaging and analysis. In the first part of the talk we will present a robust motion estimator from primary optical flow. Developed on the basis of robust estimator of Tukey, it allows for compensation of global motion in a video sequence.  The coherence of motion parameters allow for segmenting of video sequences for the primary  video summarisation. The results will be demonstrated on endoscopic videos. In the second part of the seminar we will be interested in primarily optical flow estimation on MRI sequences of beating heart. Here the motion compensation will be presented for MRI – guided thermotherapy, where precise motion compensation is needed for correction of temperature maps. Finally, we will give some insights in modelling of visual attention for wearable video acquisition set-ups in the studies of Instrulmental Activities of Daily living  of people with dementia for egocentric scenes interpretation.

CV :

Jenny Benois-Pineau is a distinguished professor of Computer science at the University Bordeaux, France and chair of Video Analysis and Indexing research group in Image and Sound Department of LABRI UMR 58000. She is also a deputy scientific director of theme B of French national research unity GDR CNRS ISIS. Her topics of interest include image and video analysis and indexing, motion analysis, content description and machine learning. She is the author and co-author of more than 120 papers in international journals, conference proceedings, book chapters. She has tutored an co-tutored 20 PhD students and 19 research masters. She is associated editor of EURASIP Signal Processing:Image Communication, Elsevier, Multimedia Tools and applications, Springer, She has served in numerous program committees in international conferences and workshops: ACM MM, CIVR, CBMI, AMR, IPTA, SAMT, ECMCS…
She has served as expert for European Commission since FP4 and she is a member of Multimedia Commission of French Ministry of National Education. She has been coordinator or leading researcher in international research projects Platon, Balaton, IP XMedia, Dem@care, French representative in COST292 European action, national research projects ANR and numerous projects with French industrial companies. She gave invited lectures at the universities of Sussex (GB), UPC, UAM (Spain), UNAM (Mexico), UNC at Chapel Hill, CMU, NJIT, Brooklynn Polytechnic (USA), Firenze (Italy), Vesprem (Hungary).

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