4th Alpen-Adria-Workshop on Optimization and Festkolloquium on occasion of the 60th birthday of Franz Rendl

AAWO2016The 4th Alpen-Adria-Workshop on Optimization gathers a group of people, actively working in the broad intersection of nonlinear (semidefinite) optimization and combinatorial optimization, and exchange current research results. Distinguished speakers will present and discuss their latest research results. The workshop takes place around the Festkolloquium on occasion of the 60th birthday of Franz Rendl, but is purely scientific!

For more details please visit https://aawo2016.aau.at/

Invitation to the Festkolloquium (PDF).

Organizing Committee:

  • Christoph Helmberg, TU Chemnitz
  • Renata Sotirov, Tilburg Univeristy
  • Angelika Wiegele, Alpen-Adria-Universität

Sponsors: Stadt Klagenfurt, ÖGOR, Förderverein Technische Fakultät

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