Business intelligence for knowledge generation at tourism destinations – A case from Sweden

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Fuchs | May 4, 2018 | 10 am | E.2.42


A knowledge infrastructure which has recently been implemented at the leading Swedish mountain tourism destination, Åre is presented. By applying a Business Intelligence approach, the Destination Management Information System Åre (DMIS-Åre) drives knowledge creation and application as a precondition for organizational learning at tourism destinations. After having introduced the development process of indicators measuring destination performance as well as customer behavior and experience, the presentation highlights core aspects of destination data warehousing and how DMIS-Åre can be used by tourism managers to gain new knowledge about customer-based destination processes, like “Web-Navigation”, “Booking” and “Feedback”, respectively.


matfuc - Kopie__Matthias Fuchs, Ph.D. is Full Professor of Tourism Management & Economics at the Department of Tourism Studies and Geography, Mid-Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden. His research includes electronic-tourism (mobile services, e-business readiness and impact, online auctions, business intelligence and big-data), destination branding, and tourism economic impact analysis. Matthias is associate-editor of the Journal of Information Technology & Tourism. He serves on the editorial-board of the Journal of Travel Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Analysis, and the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management. Matthias is board member of IFITT (International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism) and chaired the research track at ENTER Conference in 2012. In 2018, Matthias was the overall chair of the ENTER@Jönköping, Sweden. Website:

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