Lakeside Hackfest – Cloud-focused, hands-on Conference (24. – 25. August 2018)

We, Dynatrace, are hosting the Lakeside Hackfest to investigate the boundless spheres of cloud technologies! A crew including international experts from AWS, Pivotal, Microsoft, RedHat and Dynatrace sets sail for a two-day recon mission exploring the newest topics of Cloud computing.

Lakeside Hackfest in a nutshell:

  • 24. – 25. August 2018
  • Focus on cloud technologies, IoT and AI
  • Hands-on sessions by global experts from Microsoft, RedHat, Pivotal, AWS and Dynatrace
  • Evening Event: Grill & Chill at the lake

Speakers Line-up:

  • Alex Casalboni – Technical Evangelist at AWS
  • Rainer Stropek – CEO at Software Architects
  • Jürgen Mayrbäurl – Solution Architect for IoT at Microsoft
  • Claus Matzinger – Software Engineer at Microsoft
  • Jakub Pilimon – Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal
  • Jakub Hadvig – Software Engineer at Red Hat

More Details and tickets (now available for € 49.-*) at
* Limited to 60 attendees!! Hurry up 😉


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