MEMS microfabrication-part I: Front-end

Dr. Ali Roshanghias | November 9, 2018 | 2:30 pm | L4.1.02 (IKT-LAB)


In this talk the basics of micro and nano fabrication techniques will be covered. We will discuss in particular how they are carried out in a typical clean room environment. We will learn what are the differences between the front-end and back-end in MEMs microfabrication. There will be a bunch of technical terms in thin film and thick film processing of MEMS, which will be explained briefly.  We then follow up by describing the basics of the various fabrication steps such as thin film formation, lithography as well as etching. Some typical in-line and off-line characterization and testing techniques of thin films will also be introduced.


Dr. Ali Roshanghias is currently a senior researcher and project manager in the field of MEMS packaging at CTR Carinthian Tech Research AG. He recieved his PhD in materials science and technology from Sharif university of technology, Iran at 2012. Afterwards he pursued his career as a post-doc fellow at Nagaoka university of technology, Japan and Vienna universtity, Austria in the field of electronic materials and packaging. In 2015 he joined the CTR Carinthian Tech Research, Austria as a material scientist in the field of heterogeneous integration technologies and MEMS/ Power packaging. He has published over 30 papers on materials synthesis and characterization and is a verified peer-reviewer of Elsevier science.


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