Lakeside Labs Research Days


Communication in Swarms

Lakeside Labs GmbH, Lakeside Science and Technology Park, Klagenfurt am Wörthersee, Austria
July 09-11, 2019

We would like to invite you to our biannual Lakeside Labs Research Days, successfully established in 2008, held by Lakeside Labs GmbH and the University of Klagenfurt. The Research Days are a three-day interdisciplinary workshop dated 09 to 11 July 2019.

This year, the focus of Research Days is on Communication in Swarms. Swarms cooperate without any central control and act according to simple and local behavior. Only through their interactions, a collective behavior can emerge to solve complex tasks. Reliable communication is an important requirement for swarms to work effectively. It can either be explicit (exchange of messages) or implicit (reaction on stigmergy) and may be extended to human-machine interaction.

The event should provide a good opportunity to exchange research ideas, to initiate collaborations, and plan joint projects. Notable results from previous Research Days have been research collaborations, joint papers, conference special sessions, and proposals for European Projects. We are looking forward to have you on-board!

Following are the notable talks from our invited speakers.

  • Heiko Hamann, University of Lübeck
    Together Everyone Achieves More! On Swarm Performance and Interference
  • Sofie Pollin, KU Leuven
    Sense and Avoid Technology for enabling Swarms
  • Alcherio Martinoli, EPFL
    Communication in Swarms: Forms, Strengths, and Limitations

For further information on registration, agenda, housing information, etc. please visit our website (

One of the key-success factors of the Research Days is the intense group work with a limited number of participants. This year we expect about 50 people. Therefore, seats are limited – please register as soon as possible.

We look forward to welcome you in Klagenfurt for an intellectual exchange.

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