Review: Hüttenjam 2019

The Hüttenjam 2019 is over and it has been a hugely successful event. 26 participants jammed for two days and two nights in four chalets at Marktlalm, on Turracher Höhe. Six games have been developed matching the topic “Can’t see the wood for the trees”. Games ranged from multiplayer hide and seek, to simulations, platformers, stealth, and puzzle games. All games can be found on Besides working on the games we could socialize and network with joint breakfast and lunches and trips to the Nockiflitzer and Panoramaalm. For the motivated participants, there were running sessions in the morning and a hike to Rinsennock.

General feedback by the participants indicated that people wanted to have a second edition next year. Responses on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Instagram indicated that many more people are interested beyond the ones already attending. For Twitter top tweets had more than 70 likes, with the initial Facebook video we reached more than 700 people within a month, with the latest video we reached more than 70 people in a day.

Thanks a lot to all the sponsors who made this possible: Bitmovin, Förderverein Technische Fakultät, and Technische Fakultät der Universität Klagenfurt. Photos and videos are available here.

For the Hüttenjam organization team,

Mathias Lux

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