Localization, Planning and Control for Service Robots

Prof. Daniele Fontanelli (Università degli Studi di Trento) 

24.01.2020 | 09.00 | B04a.1.06 (Lakeside Park)


Service robots are becoming more and more pervasive in modern societies. One of the ever increasing field of application are service robots able to help seniors in their daily duties. Indeed, ageing is generally associated with a decrease in mobility and social interaction: a growing body of research suggests that reduced levels of out-of-home mobility can have widespread, detrimental effects for older adults. With the median age in Europe projected to grow from 37.7 (2003) to 52.3 (2050), the population asking for mobility aids at an affordable price is becoming substantial.

In this talk, we briefly introduce our solution conceived for autonomous mobility: the FriWalk (i.e. Friendly Walker). Stemming from this example, we will present the fundamental problems for autonomous robots, i.e. localization, planning and control, with application-related scenarios. In particular, we will focus on three aspects of the technological solutions: the localisation problem using different low-cost sensing solutions, together with an optimal landmarks placement algorithm; the set of controlled guidance solutions implementing the authority sharing paradigm and modelled as hybrid systems; the activity and reactive planning approaches in actual application scenarios.


Daniele Fontanelli received the MSc degree in Information Engineering in 2001, and the Ph.D. degree in Automation, Robotics and Bioengineering in 2006, both from the University of Pisa, Italy.  He was a Visiting Scientist with the Vision Lab of the University of California at Los Angeles, US, and an Associate Researcher with the Interdepartmental Research Center „E. Piaggio“, University of Pisa.  From 2008 he joined the University of Trento, Italy, where he is now an Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering.   He is currently an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement and for the IET Science, Measurement & Technology Journal.His research interests include localisation algorithms, service robotics, motion planning, human motion modelling, real-time control and estimation, and resource aware control.

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