Review: 3. Klagenfurter Winter Game Jam

The 3rd Klagenfurt Winter Game Jam took place Dec 20-22, 2019 and attracted more than 90 registrations. The event started with talks about the founding of an indie studio – Healing Bullet Games – from students of our master program on Game Studies and Engineering, and about game streaming from Marie Solle. More than 60 jammers then worked on games with the topic Unconventional Travel for the whole weekend, and 16 games where presented on Sunday. All the games of the jam can be found on

Thanks a lot to all the sponsors who made this possible: Anexia, Bitmovin, Förderverein Technische Fakultät, Imendo, Dynatrace, Alturos Destinations, Sensolligent, and Technische Fakultät der Universität Klagenfurt. Photos and videos are available here.

For the Game Jam organization team,

Mathias Lux

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