RL-Cache: Learning-Based Cache Admission for Content Delivery

Sergey Gorinsky | IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid |
Friday, November 12, 2021 | 14:00 (CET, 13:00 UTC) | S.0.05

Content delivery networks (CDNs) distribute much of the Internet content by caching and serving the objects requested by users. A major goal of a CDN is to maximize the hit rates of its caches, thereby enabling faster content downloads to the users. Content caching involves two components: an admission algorithm to decide whether to cache an object and an eviction algorithm to decide which object to evict from the cache when it is full. In this paper, we focus on cache admission and propose an algorithm called RL-Cache that uses model-free reinforcement learning (RL) to decide whether or not to admit a requested object into the CDN’s cache. Unlike prior approaches that use a small set of criteria for decision making, RL-Cache weights a large set of features that include the object size, recency, and frequency of access. We develop a publicly available implementation of RL-Cache and perform an evaluation using production traces for the image, video, and web traffic classes from Akamai’s CDN. The evaluation shows that RL-Cache improves the hit rate in comparison with the state of the art and imposes only a modest resource overhead on the CDN servers. Further, RL-Cache is robust enough that it can be trained in one location and executed on request traces of the same or different traffic classes in other locations of the same geographic region.

Sergey Gorinsky is a tenured Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute in Madrid, Spain. He joined the institute in 2009 and leads the NetEcon (Network Economics) research group there. Dr. Gorinsky received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin, USA in 2003 and 1999 respectively and Engineer degree from Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd, Russia in 1994. From 2003 to 2009, he served on the tenure-track faculty at Washington University in St. Louis, USA. In 2010-2014, Dr. Gorinsky was a Ramón y Cajal Fellow funded by the Spanish Government. Sergey Gorinsky graduated four Ph.D. students. The areas of his primary research interests are computer networking, distributed systems, and network economics. His work appeared at top conferences and journals such as SIGCOMM, CoNEXT, INFOCOM, Transactions on Networking, and Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. He served as a TPC chair of ICNP 2017 and other conferences, as well as a TPC member for a much broader conference population. Sergey Gorinsky contributed to conference organization in many roles, such as a general chair of SIGCOMM 2018 and ICNP 2020. He also served as an evaluator of research proposals and projects for the European Research Council (ERC StG), European Commission (Horizon 2020, FP7), COST Association, and numerous other funding agencies.

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