Does Neurodidactics imply Revolution, Evolution, Enrichment, or Provocation of Established Pedagogical Theories?

Issues to be considered when teaching courses in Informatics

Abstract: This presentation will discuss questions like: „Why introduce neurodidactics?“ „Why now?“ „What will the consequences be?“ A synthesis between pedagogy, psychology, powerful computers, molecular biology and neuroscience has resulted in development of different scanning technologies, which are based on modern physics. This has led to a paradigmatic change from external observations of human behaviour to internal studies of information processing, in vivo, in the human brain. „Will next generation of curricula for education have an underpinning in neurodidactics?“ „Will neurodidactics change pedagogy from art to science?“

 Short-Bio: Aadu Ott is professor emeritus in Science and Technology Education at the University of Göteborg in Sweden. He is dozent in physics, but has mainly been active in the field of education, including compulsory schools and teacher training. He has during 30 years cooperated with Deutsches Museum in München with in service training of teachers in the History of Technology. He has also done research on neurodidactics using fMRI equipment and has had contact with ZNL, TransferCenter für Neurowissenschaft und lernen in Ulm. The last two years he has worked with the National Agency for Higher Education within a reform program for teacher education. He is now active in a program at Chalmers University of Technology which aims at creating a new kind of courses for students in technology. These students will, after five years of studies, receive a combination exam, including civil engineering and a teacher diploma.

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