Rückblick: Virtual Campfire – A Hero's Journey into Multimedia Storytelling

IMG_2195Am 29. Januar sprach Dr. Ralf Klamma über sein Virtual Campfire – A Hero’s Journey into Multimedia Storytelling.

Kurzfassung: Frequent usage of mobile devices such as cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, or GPS navigators creates a large amount of multimedia data. Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication (UMIC) is one of the research clusters established under the excellence initiative of the German government. Within UMIC, research is being carried out on next generation mobile applications. Based on experiences of developing a set of advanced mobile applications for communities of practice within the scenario Virtual Campfire, our framework for mobile multimedia management is concerned with mobile multimedia semantics, with multimedia metadata, with multimedia context management, and with multimedia uncertainty management. Results are evaluated on a mobile multimedia community testbed MobSOS. We aim at creation, annotation, adaptation, sharing, and consumption of

mobile multimedia data in professional communities with heterogeneous and varying needs.


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Virtual Campfire – A Hero’s Journey into Multimedia Storytelling


Frequent usage of mobile devices such as cell phones, smart phones, PDAs, or GPS navigators creates a large amount of multimedia data. Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Communication (UMIC) is one of the research clusters established under the excellence initiative of the German government. Within UMIC, research is being carried out on next generation mobile applications. Based on experiences of developing a set of advanced mobile applications for communities of practice within the scenario Virtual Campfire, our framework for mobile multimedia management is concerned with mobile multimedia semantics, with multimedia metadata, with multimedia context management, and with multimedia uncertainty management. Results are evaluated on a mobile multimedia community testbed MobSOS. We aim at creation, annotation, adaptation, sharing, and consumption of mobile multimedia data in professional communities with heterogeneous and varying needs.

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Ralf Klamma has a diploma degree (1995) and a doctoral degree (2000) both in computer science from RWTH Aachen University. Currently, Ralf leads the research group “metadata in community information systems” at the information systems chair, RWTH Aachen University. His research covers information systems theory, the application of information systems in engineering, cultural sciences, and virtual communities, social software, social network analysis, technology enhanced learning, geographic information systems, cultural heritage management, and new product development. He is the technical leader and community facilitator of the EU IP ROLE (responsive open learning environments) and member of the Aachen research cluster „Ultra High Speed Mobile Information and Communication“ (UMIC). He serves as associate editor for international journals like IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, IJASS, IJTEL, and IJSHC. He has more than 120 refereed publications in journals, conference proceedings and edited books and edited many conference and workshop proceedings. He is reviewer for journals like CACM, IEEE Multimedia, IEEE TKDE, IEEE Internet Computing, Information Systems and Information Systems Frontiers and conferences including ICIS, ECIS, CAiSE, CHI, EC-TEL, ACM GROUP, ACM Hypertext, CSCL and others. He is member of the German Informatics Society (GI-29676).

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